Sunday 23 October 2011

Sorry is all I can say

Ok so I know I don't post that much on here but I guess I just don't like this site anymore it just doesn't seem to get viewers like it used to, I don't know maybe it's my posts or people have become too in to tumblr and facebook. I am going to do another blog that I hope i'll keep up to date with which I will give you the link to.

I have No Smilers, No Followers, do people not want to smile anymore. I guess not. Anyway this the link to my live blog


Monday 5 September 2011

My name doesn't sound interesting

My name is not one to be in the spotlight, it’s too plain and boring. The letters merge together in one line. My signature, however much I TRY it will never look creative or interesting like photographers, artists and musicians who I have come before me. I want my name to be remembered and to be up there in the Magnum list of photographers, to be remembered and iconic in future generations; my photographs will capture them for a moment or several.

I will keep working on my signature :)

Keep your eyes smiling

Monday 29 August 2011

Now I know I will work on it.

I have finally discovered what type of photographer I want to be ‘Documentary’

I want to travel the world and explore the different cultures it has to offer.

I want to capture events that will go down in history both local and far away.

I want to be like the photographers of Magnum and maybe someday I will be one of them.

That’s the goal. That’s the dream.

Saturday 27 August 2011

The End

She sleeps with one eye open,
To see him return,
You'd think since the first time she caught him,
He would have learned,
That to cheat for the thrill,
Is not the best choice,
To keep going for the kill,
And to not ignore her tempting voice.
I guess he likes danger,
And doesn't care about the cost,
Maybe he should have been wiser,
And it wouldn't have been he who had lost.
Now he sleeps with both eyes open,
In hope she will come back,
The words ' i'm sorry' had been spoken,
But nothing can fix the crack,
In the centre of her heart,
She's gone forever,
He's left behind in the dark,
She walked away from her careless lover.
It's over now,
Done and dusted,
She took her bow,
cause he could never be trusted.

Monday 22 August 2011

Dear People of the World

I can officially say I am going through my R&B/Hip Hop phase again, i'm not surprised cause I do this every year atleast once :)

What started it off was a documentry on how Hip Hop changed the world on channel 4. They were talking about Lauryn Hill and how the album 'The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill' helped her become one of the best female rappers that the hip hop genre had witnessed. I then realised that some of the songs that I associate the most with my childhood along with the brit pop and old school cheese were the lyrical workings of Lauryn Hill and The Fugees.

That's all i really wanted to say, just thought i'd warn you because I may post a few hip hop/r&b related videos or words :)


Thursday 11 August 2011

Just Plain rude

Okay so I have come to the conclusion that wind is not only annoyingly stupid but it's rude to. I was working yesterday and the wind was so bad it was messing up my scales making it almost impossible to way boxes in. Aswell as that the roof of the mule keep moving in the wind, it had an empty box on the top of it ( bad combination right) the box was blow in to the air and landed on my head> Just Plain Rude.

Sunday 7 August 2011

"Everyone wants happiness
No one wants pain
But you can't get a rainbow
without a little rain"

I just an email from my "Twin" as I like to call her, she's not actually related in anyway but we are so similar in things we like and how we act you would think we were. Anyway so yeah I just got an email from her and at the end was this quote, I think it relates to life perfectly. Everyone goes through pain granted some more than others but in the end things work out even if it only lasts for a day, an hour or a maybe only couple if minutes some light shines through the rain clouds and highlights the the colours. Okay so we may not find the gold at the end of the rainbow but if we did what would we do next, life is about searching for the gold not having it to begin with.

Thank you for taking the minutes out of your life you could have spent doing other things or even looking for the gold, insted you read this, my mind overflow.